Crochet wrap for colder days.

Dimensions 200 x 50 cm

Difficulty: beginner

Material: 200 g Mechovka duhová Nr. 53 (acrylic 55%, mohair 5%, nylon 30%, wool 10%, 100 g cca 280 m, Hook 4 mm, a needle with a large eye for threading

Stitches (US terms)

ch – chain

sc – single crochet

dc – double crochet

tr- triple crochet

V – 5 tr into one stitch



1.r: tr do 4. ch from hook, tr to all following chains. (57 tr)

Schema: jane-4

2.r.: 4 ch, (7 tr, 2 ch, tr, 2 ch, 6 tr) x 3, 2 tr

3.r: 4 ch, (5 tr, 2 ch, skip 4, V, 2 ch, skip 4, 4 tr) x 3, 2 tr

4.r: 4 ch, (3 tr, 2 ch, skip 4, V, skip 3, V, 2 ch, skip 4, 2 tr) x 3, 2 tr

5.r.: 4 ch, (tr, 2 ch, skip 4, V, skip 3, V skip 3, V, 2 ch, skip 4) x 3, 2 tr

6.r: 4 ch, /3 tr, 2 ch, (V between fans from previous row) x 2, 2 ch, 2 tr into ch space/ x 3, 2 tr

7.r: 4 ch, (5 tr, 2 ch, V between fans from previous row, 2 tr into ch space, 2 tr) x 3, 2 tr

8.r: as 2. r.

9.r. as 1.r

10.r. – divider – 4 ch, (tr, ch, skip 1) repeat till end of row, tr to last 2 tr

11.-19. r. – repeat 1.-9. r.

Repeat the sequence of 1.-19. row with every color in the cake. Attach tassels if you wish.
