Crocheted triangular wrap with ombre effect. The body of the scarf is crocheted with a pattern of double crochets. Rows with spaces and solid lines are alternating. Straight lines are followed by wavy lines.

Difficulty: medium

Material: yarn with ombre effect (1 ball:  Yarnart Flowers 1000 m 250 g, 50 g plain Yarnart Flowers Unicolor grey

Hook 3 mm

Dimensions: 110 x 170 cm


ch – chain

sc – single crochet

dc – double crochet

tr – triple crochet

tr2tog – 2 tr together under one head, 1. leg 1 stitch back, 2. leg 1 stich ahead (2 stitches are skipped between both legs – see the chart.

Dc2tog – 2 dc joined under one head.

Bptr – back post tr

ss – slip stitch.

Edge: into ch space: 2dc, ch, 2dc

Picot – 3 ch, ss to the front 2 threads of the stitch below


The wrap consists of 2 parts. Streight and wavy and 5 sections, where colors are alternating.

Streight pattern

Start in the narrow corner and gradually add stitches at one side of the wrap. On the other side of the wrap an decorative edge is formed. At the end of the row turn the work unless stated differently.

Section I 1.-7. row – solid pattern

Chart: Mediterranean chart 1

1.r.: 4ch, in the first ch we crochet: dc, ch, 2 dc, turn.

2.r: 3 ch, dc to first stitch, ch, edge, turn (2 stitches in the body of the scarf)

  1. r.: 3 ch, edge, above the space: ch, dc to every stitch till the end of the row, to the 3rd ch of the previous row: 2 ds, turn (3 stitches in the body of the scarf) – added 1 stitch.

4.r: (3 ch + 2dc) to the first stitch, dc to every stitch, of the body, ch, edge, turn (5 columns in the body of the scarf) – added 2

  1. r: 3 ch, edge, above the space: ch, dc to the end of the row, to the 3rd ch of the previous row: 2 dc, turn (6 columns in the body of the scarf) – added 1
  2. r as r. 4 (8 columns in the body of the wrap)
  3. r as r. 5 (9 columns in the body of the shawl)

Section II 8. – x. row – pattern

8.r: 5ch, tr2tog (1 leg to the first dc, 2. leg to the 4. dc of the row below), 2 ch, tr2tog (1. leg to the 4. dc, 2. leg to the 7. Dc), 2ch, dc in the stitch where second leg of last tr2tog is done, skip 1 stitch, dc, ch, edge, turn.

9.r: 3 ch, edge, above the space: ch, dc to the end of the row, to the 3rd ch of the previous row: 2 dc, turn

10.r: 5ch, /tr2tog (1 leg to the first dc, 2. leg to the 4. dc of the row below), 2 ch, tr2tog (1. leg to the 4. dc, 2. leg to the 7. Dc), 2ch/ continue this way till 2 stitches left, dc in the stitch where second leg of last tr2tog is done, skip 1 stitch, dc, ch, edge, turn.

Repeat rows 9. and 10. Till the shawl measures 100 cm

Repat row 9 once more


Row x: Start from side without the edge. Row x does not have any edge. Start in the first stich of the body. 2 dc in the first stitch,  bptr to every stitch of the body. Cut the yarn.

Section III (x+1) – last row – pattern + waves

Chart: Mediterranean chart 2

1.r: connect the yarn to edge ch space, (3 ch, dc, ch, 2 dc) = edge, ch, now proceed according to the chart. At the end of the row turn the work.

Note: Add 1 or 2 stitches regularly every row as you did previously.

After work measures 120 cm and 140 cm – insert the divider

Continue until you have the yarn.

Last row: prow of picots. 3 sc, picot, (5 sc picot) repeat to the end.

Sew in the ends.
