Crocheted shawl from a rainbow ball. The shawl has the shape of an asymmetrical triangle. There is a decorative border on the two longer sides. It is crocheted from the narrower edge, stitches are gradually added on one side and removed on the other. This creates a slightly bowed triangle shape.

Size: 170 x 80 cm

Material: Yarnart Flowers 1 ball

Hook 3 mm

Difficulty: medium

Stitches (US terms)

ch – chain

sc – single crochet

ss – slip stitch

dc – double crochet

dc2tog – 2 dc crocheted together

ZZ – Zig-zag edge (3 dc, 2 ch, 3 dc) to 2 ch space


Crochet back and forth, except for the initial circle, turn the work after each row.

There are teeth (Zig-Zag edge) on one side of the scarf – here 2 dc are added every row. On the other side, there are half-flowers. In row 12 one stitch is removed by crocheting 2 dc together

Initial rows

Start with a magic ring or 4 ch connected to a circle

1.r: circle: 2 ch, 11 dc, join the circle to the 1st regular dc by a ss.

2.r.: 4 ch (middle of the half-flower),dc, ch, skip 2, to the next dc crochet ZZ, turn

3.r.: 4 ch, ZZ, into 1 ch space we crochet ds, into 4 ro space we crochet: (dc, ch)x5, dc,  connect to the  circle, turn

4.r:  ch, (sc to the ch space, skip dc, 2 ch) x 5, 3 dc into the next 3 dc, 2 dc into the ch space, ch,  ZZ, turn

5r.: 4ch, ZZ, ch, 2 dc into the ch space, 5 dc, turn

6r.: 4ch (the middle of the half-flower), 6 dc, 2 ds into the ch space, ch, ZZ, turn

7.r.: 4ch, ZZ, 2 ds into the ch space, ch, 8 dc, into 4ch space we crochet (dc, ch)x5, dc, connect to the previous half-flower with ss, turn

8.r: ch, (sc to the ch space, skip dc, 2 ch) x 5, dc2tog, 9 dc into the next 9 dc, 2 dc into the ch space, ch,  ZZ, turn


Pattern 1

9.r: 4ch, ZZ, 2 dc into ch space, dc into each dc, turn

10.r: 4 ch (middle of the half flower – not couned as a stitch), dc in first stitch and each of next dc, 2 dc in ch space, ch, ZZ, turn

11r.: 4 ch, ZZ, ch, 2 dc into the ch space, dc into each dc, into the 4 ch space we crochet: (dc, ch)x5, dc, connect to the previous half-flower with ss, turn

12.r: (sc to the ch space, skip dc, 2 ch) x 5, dc2tog,  dc into each of next dc, 2 dc into the ch space, ch,  ZZ, turn

We repeat rows 9-12 7 more times, or as you wish

I repeated until the color change.

For the next 28 rows, I made a pattern in the body of the scarf (3 dc into the stitch, 2 omitted, 3 dc into the next stitch, in the next rows the groups of 3 dc are made into the gaps between the groups of 3dc of previous row.)

Caution: Make sure that you have the necessary number of ds in the row. Do not add or or make less stitches than it should be for the respective row. If the nr. of stitches is not able to fit into the pattern, make just normal dc-s at the end with half flowers. The half flower body end should end with at least 1 dc.

Start from r.11

Pattern 2

11a r.: 4 ch, ZZ, 3dc to the ch space, (skip 2, 3 dc in next dc) continue to the end of the row – mind the number of stitches, into the 4 ch space we crochet: (dc, ch)x5, dc, connect to the previous half-flower with ss, turn

12a .r: (sc to the ch space, skip dc, 2 ch) x 5, dc2tog, continue in the body pattern – make groups of 3 dc between the groups of dc from previous row, mind the number of stitches, last group of 3 dc is made between the body and ZZ,  ZZ, turn

9a r: 4ch, ZZ,  3 dc berween ZZ and the body, 3 groups between the dc groups of previous row, mind the Caution, turn

10a.r: 4 ch (middle of the half flower), mind the number of stitches, make groups of 3 dc between the groups of dc from previous row, mind the number of stitches, last group of 3 dc is made between the body and ZZ,  ZZ, turn

I repeated pattern 2 for approx. 32 rows.

For the next 32 rows, I made pattern 1.

I made pattern 3 for the next 32 rows

Pattern 3

In the body of the scarf:

r.A: (5 dc, skip 2, 2ch, in the next stitch dc3togext, 2 ch, skip 2) repeat along the entire row of the body

r.B: ds in each stitch

r.C: above 5 dc from row A: (skip 2, 2 ch, in the next stitch: dc3tog, 2 ch), above the pattern from row A: (5 ds) repeat along the entire row of the body

r.D: ds in each stitch

Repeat rows 9-12, but in the body of the scarf crochet the pattern – rows A-D. Remember to decrease making dc2tog in r. 12. Mind number of stitches.

Last rows

Crochet 2-4 rows with a solid pattern in the body of the shawl at the upper end of the shawl. Use pattern rows 9-12 (Pattern1) and finish with a whole half flower, turn and continue with upper edge.

Upper edge rows:

For making the upper edge firm crochet the following rows:

  1. x: dc, skip 1, row, dc – repeat along the entire row (only along the body of the scarf)
  2. y: sc, ro, (sc to the free stitches of the row (x-1), ro) repeat, to the last stitch

You may attach a small tassel to the narrow corner. Cut the thread, sew in the threads.
