Crochet Square Zilina. Make several vibrant squares for your own blanket.                                                                                                                                                    .

Square size: 18 x 18 cm

Material: 100% acrylic 100 g = cca 300 m


Group A: Light and vibrant shades of pink and purple

Group B: dark shades of red, purple

Group C: contrast colour mustard yellow

Stitches (US terminology)

Ch – chain

ss- slip stitch

sc – single crochet

hdc – half double crochet

dc – double crochet

bphdc – back post hdc

V stitch – dc. Ch, dc in one stitch or space

COR1 – sc, ch, sc

COR1A – beginning of the row: 3ch, sc

COR2 – hdc, 2 ch, hdc

COR2A – beginning of the row: ch, hdc, 2ch, hdc

COR3 – 2 dc, 2ch, 2 dc

COR3A – beginning of the row: 2ch, dc, 2ch,2dc

COR4 – 3dc, ch2, 3dc

COR4A – beginning of the row: 2ch, 2dc, 2ch, 3dc

COR5: V, 2ro, V

COR5A – beginning of the row: 5ch (=dc + 2ch corner space), V

Square (Make 54)

Start with (A), 4ch into a ring or a magic ring start

1.r: (A): COR5A, (ch, dc, 2ch) x 3, dc, ch, ss to 1st corner space. (2ch spaces are corner spaces)

2.r (A): COR5A, (ch, COR5) x3, ch, now finish 1 corner: dc to 1st corner space of previous row, ch, ss to 1st corner 2ch space

  1. r (A): COR5A, (ch, V into ch space, ch, COR5) x 3, ch, V into ch space, ch, now finish 1 corner: dc to 1st corner space of previous row, ch, ss to 1st corner 2ch space
  2. r (A): as 3. r.

  1. r (C): (COR1, 2 sc to every ch space) x 4, finish the row with a ss into 1st corner space. (16 stitches on side)

6.r. (B): COR3A, (dc to every stitch, COR3) x3, dc to every stitch, finish the row with a ss to the first dc, ss to the 1st corner space (20 stitches on side)

7.r. (A): (COR1, 3ch (loosely!), skip 4 stitches, (dc, 3ch, skip 3 stitches) x 4) x 4, finish the row with a ss into 1st corner space

8.r. (B): COR3A, (dc to every free stitch of row 6 except of the 1st, sc to every dc and sc of row 7, COR3) x 3, dc to every free stitch of row 6 except of the 1st, sc to every dc and sc of row 7, finish the row with a ss into 1st corner space (23 stitches on side)

9.r. (B) as row 6. After last dc crocheted, finish the row with invisible join, sew in the ends of yarns. (27 stitches on side)

2022 Series. Stash Yarn Recycle. Part 5. Square Zilina